Research Awards
Research Awards
Academic Peer-Reviewed Articles
1st recipient of the Practitioner-Scholar Award (2014), presented by the American Real Estate Society for “…contributions to the body of real estate knowledge that are highly regarded by real estate academics, and that have been adopted and used by practitioners.”
1st prize real estate and the internet research paper (2000), presented by the American Real Estate Society, co-authorship
2nd prize senior housing research paper (1999), presented by the National Investment Center, co-authorship
2nd prize senior housing research paper (1998), presented by the National Investment Center on Seniors Housing and Care, co-authorship
1st prize retail research paper presented by the International Council of Shopping Centers (1997), co-authorship
1st prize senior housing research paper (1997), presented by the National Investment Center, co-authorship

Steven P. Laposa, Andrew Mueller (2017), “The Great Recession And Real Estate Cycles – Challenges, Opportunities, And Lessons Learned,” Journal of Property Investment and Finance, Volume 35, No. 3, pp. 321-340.
Steven P. Laposa (2013), “Dynamics of Investor Concentrations, Pricing, and Capital Flows: Does it Matter?,” Real Estate Finance, February 2013, pp. 13-21.
Christopher Hannum, Steven Laposa, Sarah E. Reed, Liba Pejchar, and Lindsay Ex (2012), “Comparative Analysis of Housing in Conservation Developments: Colorado Case Studies”, Journal of Sustainable Real Estate, Volume 1, pp. 149-176.
Steven P. Laposa and Sriram Villupuram (2010), “Corporate Real Estate and Corporate Sustainability Reporting: An examination and critique of current standards,” Journal of Sustainable Real Estate, Volume 2, pp. 23-40.
Steven P. Laposa and Andrew Mueller (2010), “Wind Farm Announcements and Rural Home Price Indices: Maxwell Ranch and Rural Northern Colorado,” Journal of Sustainable Real Estate, Volume 2, pp. 383-402.
Steven P. Laposa (2007), “Bridging Gaps, Building Portfolios,” Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, Volume 13, Number 2, pp. 173-178.
Steven E. Moss, Susan R. Williams, John N. Dyer, Steven Laposa (2004), “Portfolio Value Estimates Using Mass Appraisals and Portfolio Confidence Intervals,” Journal of Commercial Banking and Finance, Vol.3, Number 1, pp. 57-65.
Steven Moss, Darrell Parker, Steve Laposa (2003) “Financial Markets and Retail Construction Cycles,” Journal of Commercial Banking and Finance, Volume 2, pp. 93-104.
Steven Laposa and Mark Charlton (2002), “European versus US corporations: A comparison on property holdings,” Journal of Corporate Real Estate Research, Volume 4, Number 1, pp. 34-37.
Steven Laposa and Andrew Schlauch (2001),” E-Tailing and Internet-Related Real Estate Cost Savings: A Comparative Analysis of E-tailers and Retailers,” Journal of Real Estate Research, Volume 21, Number 1/2, 2001.
Steven Laposa and Stephen Moss, Phd (2001), “Seniors Housing Supply Trends & Analysis: Evidence of Non-Random Behavior 1996 to 2000,” Seniors Housing & Care Journal, 2001, Volume 9, Number 1, pp. 109-120.
Steven Laposa and Harvey Singer (1999), “Size, Scope, and Performance of the Seniors Housing and Care Industry: A Comparison with the Multifamily and Lodging Sectors” Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, Volume 5, Number 3, 1999.
Steven Laposa, Mark Eppli, “A Descriptive Analysis of the Retail Real Estate Markets at the Metropolitan Level,” Journal of Shopping Center Research, Volume 5, Number 1, Spring/Summer 1998.
Steven Laposa, Carl Taggart, Mark Roth, “Senior Housing Expenses: Distribution, Variance, and Interrelationships,” NIC Review, Volume VI, 1998.
Steven Laposa, David Watkins, Grant Thrall, “The Development of a Senior Housing Expert Decision System – A Theoretical Model & Systems Framework,” NIC Review, Volume V, 1997.
Steven P. Laposa and Mark Eppli (1997), “A Descriptive Analysis of the Retail Real Estate Markets at the Metropolitan Level,” Journal of Real Estate Research, Volume 14, Number 2, pp. 321-338.
Steven Laposa, “Raise the Bar – The Message of Real Estate,” Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, Volume 3, Number 2, 1997.
Steven Laposa and Glenn Mueller, "Property Type Diversification", Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, Volume 1, Number 1, 1996.
Steven Laposa and Glenn Mueller, "REIT Returns by Property Type," Real Estate Finance, Spring 1996.
Steven Laposa and Glenn Mueller, “Property-Type Diversification in Real Estate Portfolios: A Size and Return Perspective,” Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management, Volume 1, Number 1, 1995.
Steven Laposa and Glenn Mueller, "The Path of Goods Movement", Real Estate Finance, 11:2, Summer 1994.